Transcend the Ordinary

Worship like never before in a Church that mirrors our heavenly reality.

Watch the Latest Campaign Update from Our Pastor!

We are thrilled to share a special update from our pastor on the incredible progress of our Transcend campaign. In this video, you'll hear about the milestones we've achieved, the impact your generosity has had on our community, and the exciting next steps for our campus enhancement project.

Click the play button to see how your support is transforming our parish and bringing us closer to our vision of creating a space that inspires reverence and fosters spiritual growth.

Campaign Update

Thanks to our generous donors, we've successfully funded our Tabernacle and lighting and sound upgrades phases!

Campus Enhancement | 6 Million - In Progress

Complete phases 1 and 2, and add a larger adoration chapel and a new playground

Lighting and Sound | 4 Million - Funded!

Complete the church beautification with new sound system and improved lighting

Tabernacle / Church Beautification | 3 Million - Funded!

Install a tabernacle and enhance the church with fresh paint, new/enhanced sacred art murals, and ambulatory screens— art glass behind altar.

Help us build a sacred space for generations to experience the transformative power of the Eucharist.

“Beauty is the reflection of Truth.”

A campaign to enhance St. Ann Parish

In a post-Christian and post-church world, where generations are moving away from religion, your generosity is vital to completing this sacred space, offering an authentic encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist and the beauty around us.

Donate today to enrich our worship space, sparking transformative experiences with Beauty in the Eucharist, Church, and Sacred Space—forever changing lives.



"We're thrilled to support Transcend! The tabernacle and inspirational artwork in our main church will transform our faith community. This campaign allows us the honor of bringing people closer to Jesus both now and in the future."

Mark Williard & JL Radford-Williard

Lead Co-Chairs

Choose Your Impact with Transcend

Your Prayer Transcends

Your prayers are essential to our success. Please continue to pray with us and let us know you're praying. Click here to join us in prayer.

Planning Your Gift Over Three Years – Suggested Amount


  • The tabernacle inside the Chapel will remain there.

  • No, the way we pray and worship will remain the same. However, since Jesus Christ (inside the Tabernacle) will be present, there will be a greater sense of reverence inside the Main Church.

  • 1 year to 18 months

  • If interested, reach out to Rebecca Almanza at

  • Yes!

  • You can support this project through your prayers; volunteering your time to call individuals, write letters, and share the vision and story of St. Ann; hosting a vision sharing at your house; financially supporting this project; and many more activities!

"After 30 years at St. Ann's, we view the parish as a vital anchor for families in a society drifting from family values and Christian principles. Our goal is to fortify the parish as a source of beauty and faith, ensuring its enduring legacy for the next generation. St. Ann Parish is an integral part of our extended family, and we take joy in dedicating our time, talent, and resources alongside fellow Catholics united in serving Christ's purposes."

Rex Sanders and Barbara Sanders, Lead Co-Chairs

Thank you for your support of the Transcend Campaign!

The success of our campaign gives St. Ann the resources and opportunity to serve parishioners in the pews and beyond through the power of the Eucharist in our worship space.